- 基站 Main Landing;main Floor;home Landing
- 层站入口 Landing Entrance
- 层站 Landing
- 辅助机房;隔层;滑轮间 Secondary Machine Room;secondary Floor;pulley Room
- 机房面积 Machine Room Area
- 机房深度 Machine Room Depth
- 机房宽度 Machine Room Width
- 机房高度 Machine Room Height
- 机房 Machine Room
- 电梯提升高度 Travelling Height of Lifts Lifting Height of Lift
- 额定载重量 Rated Load;rated Capacity
- 检修速度 Inspection Speed
- 电梯额定速度 Rated Speed of Lift
- 平层准确度 Leveling Accuracy
- 液压电梯 Hydraulic Lift